Normal door contacts where you attach one piece to the doorframe and one piece to the door itself . It is normal close (NC) and when the door opens it send the signal through to your Voice Alert.
Remember that you can use it for a lot of other applications. Don’t think you can only use it on doors because it is named a door contact.
You can for instance install it
- On your TV and if someone move your TV you can recieve a signal - your Voice Alert.
- On your gereator
- On your cookie bin – haha – know when the children grap cookies – No shame Mom
(Discontinued - We do not keep stock of the Door contacts anymore - we do not see the use for it, as the Sensor cover the door anyway, but if you search on the internet - you will be able to get a 433mhz door contact)
You can even add a siren! or 'n 12V Light